
Stuarts Draft | Palm Harbor | Boca Raton
Loren & Dora Lee | Jeanne | Mike
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Brown Household

Paw Prints
Family Crest


As you can tell, this site is a work in progress. We will be adding more information, pictures, maybe even some video clips in the near future. It will be used as a medium for the everyone in the family to stay in touch with one another, plan times to get together, and whatever else we can dream up. Maybe even a calendar or private address books, any other information you may need when away from home. Don't worry, we can secure the information so only each member can access their own information.

You see those links on the left? Well, most of them don't do squat right now. But we change them to whatever we want. For example, we can allow each member to publish their own blog or other type of web pages.

Be sure to check back shortly, and look for the Guidelines link to be activated. This will provide help for you with your e-mail and forum settings.

If you have any other ideas, complaints, or whatever, please e-mail Mike and give him a piece of your mind. If you have any stories, pictures, or whatever you want published, and need some help or just want somebody to do it for you, again, just e-mail Mike with whatever it is, and he'll take care of it for you. In the near future, we will be adding both a photo gallery and an easy method for members to upload their own webpages.

Bring it on Wilma! Bring it on!

Bring it On
Molly and Rosie are ready

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